How To Increase Your Chances Of Having A Boy

If you are looking for information on how to increase your chances of having a boy, there could be various reasons why you are wanting to have a son rather than a daughter when you become pregnant. The desire to select the gender of children is very common indeed and although there are some who would judge the action of selection as inappropriate, there are many ordinary, everyday couples who want to do just that.

The desire to increase your chances of having a boy can simply come from a wish to balance up your family. You might already have a daughter or, more commonly in this type of case, 2 or 3 and simply want to have a son to balance the family. Additionally, many couples feel a real need to have the whole parenthood experience and somehow feel that they are missing out if they only have children of one gender.

Of course, there is sometimes the cultural aspect to take into account. There are particular cultures which seem to favor boy children rather than girls and although this is perhaps the most controversial reason why couples might seek information on how to increase your chances of having a boy, it does exist as a valid reason for many.

Interestingly, some surveys indicate that contrary to popular belief, a large proportion of couples want to have a son to balance out families with a large number of girls or to enjoy the parenthood experience of looking after and nurturing a boy. Even the simplest things seem to appeal, such as being able to buy boy's clothes and enjoy certain activities (especially where fathers and sons are involved!).

Although it is possible to sway the odds in your favor of having a boy, you should remember that there is no certainty. Unless you were able to opt for pre-implantation gender selection, then the best you can do is to follow a range of strategies in combination, each of which has the possibility of upping the odds slightly, meaning that when practiced together, it can tip the balance significantly meaning that the chances of conceiving a boy are increased naturally.

Before you begin, it is important to appreciate the scientific background behind the tips I am about to give you. Although we might all like to believe that turning round in a circle and chanting our heart's desires might give us the son we want, facts need to be faced and you should really only take notice of tips which have some sort of basis in science. In other words, you can actually understand why they might help and there is some obvious logic behind them.

How To Increase Your Chances Of Having A Boy

Have Intercourse On Ovulation Day: To have a son, it is best to have intercourse on the day of ovulation. This is because the sperm which makes male babies swims faster than that which makes female babies. Therefore, if it is a straightforward race to get to the egg, the male sperm is likely to win.

  1. Avoid Intercourse On The Lead Up To Ovulation: If you have intercourse a day or two before ovulation, it is more likely that you will conceive a girl. This is because female sperm, although slower, is longer-lasting and so is likely to be ready and waiting to fertilize the newly released egg.
  2. Eat An ALKALINE DIET: There is evidence to suggest that if the body is in a more alkaline state, you are more likely to conceive a boy. Therefore, eating foods high in potassium, more salty foods and breakfast cereals can all help in your quest.
  3. Alkaline Douches: Another way to help to alkalize the body is to douche before intercourse. There are several recipes available on the internet, but one popular version is made with Baking Soda.
  4. The above 4 tips are simple ways you can learn how to increase your chances of having a boy. Of course, it is important to remember than under normal circumstances, your odds are around 50% so it may not take much to shift the balance in your favor.
The above 4 tips are simple ways you can learn how to increase your chances of having a boy. Of course, it is important to remember than under normal circumstances, your odds are around 50% so it may not take much to shift the balance in your favor.