Most pregnant women develop stretch marks or streaks on the skin surface. Stretch marks can vary in color depending on the natural color of the skin and normally show up on the abdomen during pregnancy. You may also notice stretch marks on your breasts, thighs, hips and buttocks. Stretch marks are caused by the skin stretching at a faster than normal pace, which is common with pregnancy. When the collagen of the skin tears or separates, a stretch mark will appear. They are not painful and many fade after a certain amount of time.
The number of stretch marks that you will get during your pregnancy actually depends on the elasticity of your skin. This is a genetic condition so your chances of having them increase a lot if your mother had them during her pregnancy. The more weight that you gain with your pregnancy, the more your skin will stretch resulting in more stretch marks. Women who are pregnant with multiples will likely have a number of stretch marks simply because they bellies are going to grow much more than women with a single pregnancy. If you are carrying a large baby or gain a lot of weight quickly you may also experience more stretch marks than normal.
The more hydrated and nourished your skin is, the less likely you are to experience serious stretch marks. This means that you should drink plenty of water and exercise regularly during your pregnancy. You should also try to avoid gaining weight rapidly. Watch what you eat and the amount that you eat. Many women try various lotions and creams to prevent stretch marks which may also be helpful. Find a lotion that offers vitamins and minerals and use it every day. This will help to keep your skin hydrated which can minimize stretch mark.
Using lotion can benefit you in more ways than one. By rubbing lotion on your belly every day, you will stimulate your baby with a comforting massage and it may actually help to reduce the number of stretch marks that you see. Besides using skin creams and lotions, gaining the recommended amount of weight during your pregnancy is the best way to prevent stretch marks. Again, gaining a lot of weight quickly will stretch the skin and cause these marks to appear. Most doctors recommend gaining between 24 and 35 pounds. If you gain much more than this amount then you could see serious stretch marks that may never go away.
Even if you do have stretch marks while you are pregnant, many of these will fade after your baby is born. It may take up to a year but you should notice a significant improvement in the appearance of stretch marks over time. Most women barely notice these marks one year after pregnancy and if they are noticeable, they are fairly light. If you have stretch marks after this time and are concerned about their appearance, you can speak with a dermatologist about various ways of removing the marks.
Topical ointments prescribed by your doctor will often help to reduce the marks but these creams cannot be used while you are pregnant. Many women simply forget about their stretch marks after the birth of their child. Because they are not painful, they are considered a small price to pay for such a beautiful thing like the miracle of childbirth.
If you are concerned about developing stretch marks during your pregnancy, speak with your doctor. He or she may be able to offer advice on avoiding these marks. Be sure that you watch your weight and keep yourself well hydrated. This is the best defense against stretch marks and will help to stop them before they begin.