Method 1: Search Engine
This is the first thing that springs into most peoples minds when they want to use a phone number to find an address online. It is possible to locate an address using this method but you must make sure that you have the full cell phone number and that there are no digits missing. The more information you can provide to Google then the more likely Google will return successful results.
I like this method because it's free but with free comes inaccuracy. You can end up spending a lot of time (sometimes hours) searching through pages and pages of the returned results and still not actually find the address your looking for. However, this method is still free so it has to be worth a shot. I have tried it before and been successful so you may just strike it lucky too.
Just make sure you enter in the full number into Google before clicking search. When you use a phone number to find an address in Google, you're reliant on the individual you're searching for to have some sort of social network profile in FACEBOOK, Twitter or Myspace etc. If they have both their phone number and address on their profile then you could find that address from just typing in the phone number.
Method 2: Reverse Phone Search
Probably the quickest and most accurate way to use a phone number to find an address is to carry out a reverse phone search. Not many people are aware of these online services but they are very good if you need to locate someone and all you have is their phone number. This type of service will cost you money but the amount is very small. In some cases, you can pay as little as $15 to carry out a search and a reputable service will even offer you a money back guarantee.
To use a phone number to find an address using such a service is very similar to searching in a search engine. You simply enter in the number you wish to investigate and then click search. If the number is in the database then then you will recieve details of the individuals name, address (including a google map with pin poined location) and even details of the carrier.
My Advice
If you want to use a phone number to find an address then I highly recommend that you try Method 1 first simply because this is free but please don't spend too long searching. If your required results are not on the first 10 pages then they are unlikely to be their at all. If you are fortunate enough to use this method and find the address you're looking for then great. However, if not, move on and try Method 2. This method is very precise, quick is relatively cheap. In addition, most of the reputable services will offer you a money back guarantee so you really have nothing to lose.
Article Source: http://www.streetarticles.com/mobile-cell-phone/can-you-use-a-phone-number-to-find-an-address-sure-you-can