Be it the smallest bathroom on the planet, it is ours and it is getting some love.
Hubby gets to have all the fun with the toys. Let it be known I bought the Sawzall as a treat to self and have yet to have the chance to use it! Babies do that to ladies...and I wouldn't trade the Sawzall for my babes.
Stay tuned to see the process! (Following via social media is the best way to get updates, just click the icon above.)
Alright, who took a minute to stop by last week's showcase? It had some awesome creativity and vintage goodness!
There's going to be a slight change in the linkup time starting next week. Instead of 8 AM every Tuesday it will be 8 PM (EST). Thanks!
Here are this week's features from the party...
#1 most viewed shop's item...
Let's see what's new in your shop and get this week's party started!!
The linky party that is open to anyone with an Etsy Shop, Online Shop or Boutique. No worries, you don't have to have a blog to join in, but if you do, it would be fantastic if you would grab the marketplace image below and place it somewhere on your blog, just to let your readers know about this wonderful shopping experience.
The best part...You can link up to three of your individual shop items or shop blog posts. Just make sure these items you are linking are actually available FOR SALE, and link up using the permalink directly to the item or post to make it easy to find.
A new party begins each week at 8 AM (EST) Tuesdays, so mark your calendar!
Are you here to shop? Be sure to check back throughout the week because new items are always being added.
Let's party!