A few weeks ago I shared with you on the Blogland Tour how my stash of furniture was in need of a de-stashing.
Just a little don't you think? (I'm proud enough to watermark it!)
In working through my treasures, I came across some that I either didn't have a heart for or would just take too much out of me to revive.
For instance, this dresser was one I found with a gorgeous large mirror while on my city cleanup run. Solid and sturdy, but just not made well enough to meet my criteria for resale. Wouldn't you only want the best associated with your name?
I was planning to put wire baskets and line that center drawer spot - the drawer was toast. I had even bought the baskets and fabric, but the dresser just didn't pass muster...on to Craigslist it goes. $20 for holding it for a year and a half and it's GONE!
Next is another roadside rescue from city cleanup. An art deco dressing table sans mirror, badly peeling veneer, warped tops, and damage drawer fronts.
All fixable, but I'm pretty tuckered right now and even started to work on it. Alas, I decided to throw in the towel and gave it up for free on Craigslist (I love that site!)
Along with the next dressing table comes a funny story. While out doing my rounds with the city cleanup, I came across an absolutely gorgeous, but torn apart and broken dressing table that had to have been a show-stopper in its prime.
When put together the center mirror stood 60" tall and had two adjoining smaller mirrors on either side - w.o.w.
I snatched it up knowing it would be a chore to work on this one...I couldn't let it go to the dump!
Enter in the funny part...the next day at church our youth pastor came up to me and said that I had taken his daughters vanity and if I could fix it he would love to have me work on it for them. Mind you, I had just begun my furniture adventures and figured someone would see me at some point being the "trash lady". I proudly wear that badge.
Well...after having it sit for over a year, and finding that it would cost me over $200 just to replace the mirrors alone, I decided to let it find a new home. I did keep the mirror back though for a repurpose coming soon!
Another furniture redeemer drove almost 2 hours and picked up this one and the one before having found my free listing on Craigslist. Aaahh...purging and feeling good! GONE!
One of my dearest and best friends asked me if I wanted a table to work on. One of the bonuses of doing this business is you get all sorts of hand-me-downs.
At first, I said "No way, I'm overstuffed as it is." She even tried to sell it at a garage sale for $25 with no takers. I didn't want to see it go to waste so I took it in....for a couple of days.
I had no room for it and no gumption to work on it. It was going to have to have the veneer pulled off, all the bug holes filled in that had drilled underneath, the foot repaired, and so on.
Stuck it on Craigslist for free. A young mother whom I've met before came and got it. One of her children is a special needs child and she wanted to start working on furniture to help earn money while give herself something to take her mind off of the daily stresses. Perfect for me and perfect for her. GONE!
Next up is a mid century modern dresser that, again, was in my stash for almost 2 years because a lady gave me a deal if I purchased all 4 of her dressers. All the rest are gone except this last beast.
Broken foot, damaged veneer, but all original pulls and a funky retro design, worth a try, right? Have I ever told you my life's motto, "Haste makes waste"? Seriously, I repeatedly tell my children that I have yet to learn that lesson.
Instead of waiting for soaking wet towels to lay on the top overnight, (that's how you get veneer off) I only waited a couple hours and started to pull off the veneer.
It came off like butter in most parts, but at the back it stuck so I used my paint scraper and well...damaged the boogers out of it.
Wood putty, sanding and even just deciding to paint it as is, did not suffice. I was so frustrated and so sick of working on my stash that I threw it up for sale on, you guessed it, Craigslist.
Happy father buying it for his daughters room, happy me to have it going bye, bye. Win-win wouldn't you say? Really though, I hate to quit and this one irked me to let it go, BUT...its GONE!
Last, but not least for sure, was a set that was supposed to go in our master bedroom when it was finished. Made by Stanley and solid as they come with original pulls, a gorgeous beveled tri-fold mirror, and a French Provincial flare.
I was working through all that stash not letting myself quit until I finished and as reward get to work on my own set, something for me and my hubs (I have yet to do that you know!). We wanted this to be just right.
Started to work on it with the intention of sanding and staining the tops and painting the bottoms, upholstering the headboard, only to find pressed board under and on the sides of that veneer surface...ummm...no. We have a vision for our room and we have NEVER had a set of our own and I did not want to paint those tops.
Grrrr. Not giving in.
Threw it on Craigslist with hubby in full agreement. It sold and will be picked up tomorrow. Hallelujah! I do believe the angels will sing because my shop will be half empty. That set has been in there for over a year a bit of regret that it didn't work out because it's so pretty. GONE!
Guess I get to shop again...bummer (wicked grin appears). Ooh, what will I find??
Back to Craigslist, auctions, garage sales...you know, a treasure hunt for sure! AND now I can get my shop lights and heater put in place before winter sets in.
Lesson learned: Be sure you are not pregnant before acquiring so much furniture that you will not be able to work on it, thus driving your Type A self and family crazy with clutter.
Nuff said. ahem.