It seems that almost everyone has a blog these days. But few people make much, if any, money with their blogs. This article will show you how to make money blogging and direct you to where you can find more information.
There are many ways to make money with a blog. One of the most common ways is to put ads, like Google ads on your blog. You can sign up for a Google adsense account at Google will give you code to put on your blog which will make Google ads appear that are similar to the topic of your blog. Whenever someone clicks on an ad, you make money. The amount of money per click varies, but it usually ranges to between a few cents to $1 or more per click. If your blog gets a lot of visitors this can add up.
If your blog is popular, you can sell ad space or banner space to other marketers. Marketers are willing to pay a good amount of money for people to see their ad, especially if your blog relates to a product they are trying to promote.
You can also offer products for sale on your blog. For example, if you have a blog about cooking, you could offer cookbooks or cooking utensils to your readers.
But one of the easiest ways to make money blogging is to offer someone else's products for sale on your blog and earn commissions on each sale that comes from your blog. The technical term for this is "affiliate marketing".
So to use the cooking example, you could sign up to be an affiliate for a site that sells cookbooks, cooking utensils, small appliances, or anything else related to cooking. You can do google searches to find these sites using search terms like "cooking affiliate program". Or to make it easy, you can sign up to be an affiliate for a site like that offers almost any product you would want to promote on your blog.
Once you sign up at, Amazon will provide you with links and/or banners and widgets that you can place on your blog for any product on their site. Whenever someone clicks the Amazon link and buys something, Amazon will pay you a commission. This generally pays better than what Google would pay you for clicks on their ads. But you can also do both Google ads and have a affiliate offers from site like Amazon on your blog.
There is much more that goes into affiliate marketing than I can mention in this article, but it includes things like getting traffic to your blog, getting your blog to rank high in the search engines so people can find it, using sites like facebook and twitter to promote your blog, etc. If you would like to learn more about how to make money blogging please visit my blog.
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