What is required for the Duct Tape Coin Purse?
When you decide to make this craft, there are very few items necessary to create it. These items include: your favorite color duct tape, a sharp pair of scissors, and a velcro circle. That’s as simple as it gets.
The Steps to Create this Coin Purse
This craft can be very simple or you can get creative and make it a little more complex. For purposes of this article, we will keep it as simple as possible. You can use your own creativity to alter it and fancy it up if you would like.
1. You will want to cut five strips of duct tape approximately five inches long and lay them out sticky side down in a parallel manner, but overlap them by approximately 1/8 of an inch. This will create the first side of what will become your duct tape fabric.
2. You will then turn your sheet created in step one over and repeat the process in step one onto the sticky side of the sheet. This will complete your duct tape fabric.
3. Fold the bottom portion (about two strips of duct tape) up. This will actually create the “purse” portion and the remaining portion (about one strip of tape) will be the cover flap for the purse.
4. Cut a piece of tape the approximate length of the doubled up (purse portion) of the project. Cut that piece in half lengthwise.
5. Use each half piece that you just cut to seal the two side of the purse closed by wrapping it around (half on front, half on back). Then trim off any excess carefully.
6. Cut off another piece of tape long enough to extend around all three sides of the cover flap. Then cut this piece in half lengthwise.
7. You will then seal the sides of this flap to clean up the look. You want to begin from the center to wrap the two sides of the flap and work your way out. Then trim any excess carefully.
8. You now have the duct tape coin purse completed except for the duct tape circles for closing it. Simply peel the back from the fuzzy part of the velcro circle and stick it to the center edge of the flap where it will attach it to the body of the coin purse.
9. Then stick the complementary portion to the portion you just attached. Remove the back and fold the flap down the way you expect it to close and this will stick the velcro exactly where it should be.
You are now done and have created a wonderful duct tape coin purse. Have a great time learning to make your duct tape coin purse.