Paid page ranking brings Google 37.7 million dollars of profit per day. Advertisers would never pay Google that money if it wasn’t profitable for them. These numbers give an idea of paid page ranking cost.
Natural search engine optimization is a much more affordable method of getting higher positions.
iProspect research had proved that 60.8% of Yahoo! users and 72.3% of Google prefer choose natural search engine optimization results to paid ranking as most relevant to search request. It means that you’ll get more target visitors when choosing a natural search engine optimization. Additionally, iProspect and Enquire researches show that up to 70% percent of Google users trust natural ranking and only 30% of users trust paid ranking. Natural search engine optimization is more helpful and provides more desirable results.
As it was already mentioned, natural methods of website promotion are more affordable and more profitable than paid ones:
• internet surfers visit naturally promoted websites more frequently;
• internet surfers trust naturally promoted websites;
Also natural search engine optimization generates target traffic of higher quality – this should be considered by companies that prefer PPC advertising to professional SEO services.
The use of professional natural search optimization methods provides much better results than paid PPC ranking of Google and Yahoo.
So how to promote your website naturally? It's a good question, especially for those who are expecting good results but unwilling to spend much money. There are a lot of companies which are ready to offer their SEO services. What do you do when you want to find something on the web? Yes, you type the keywords. It's actually the job of SEO experts to analyze what people type in to get the result in search engines. If you want your website to appear on the first pages of Google, you have to optimize it so that it did so. All the content should be optimized to Google, which means it has to contain as many Google keywords as possible. It is actually the way, natural website promotion works. You may probably want to know more about the way businesses are promoted on the web.
It's up to you which way of website promotion to choose. Want to know my opinion? Well, even if you opt for paid ranking, in the long run you will fail to deceive costumers unless you provide really useful content.