How Iphone’s In - Built Accelerometer Apps Can Bequeath A Hassle Free And Luxury Life

iPhone’s in-built accelerometer might have created a world of opportunities for all the iOS developers to create applications that are highly engaging, innovative, creative as well as funny. There are many creative ways using which accelerometer can be used ranging from photography, reading as well as music. The only thing that lies ahead is the endless possibilities. Therefore, we have listed a few in-built iPhone accelerometer apps that you can enjoy and make you life really hassle free.

iPhone in-built accelerometer apps:


Most of the users might have overlooked their favorite app that has made their iPhone indispensable, one need to take a moment in order to praise the most ingenious implementation of accelerometer that have ever seen, that is, tilt scrolling. Instapaper will allow each article to be presented in a very neat, easy-to view format which can be read from beginning to the end without the touching of the screen. Just turn on the tilt-scrolling and then you can pan through the story very simply by tipping the iPhone very slightly. This app is really very brilliant and you will fret to turn the page again and again.


A highly sophisticated app is iSeismo which will turn an iPhone or iPod into a pocket Seismometer and it will also display the movements in all 3 dimensions just like a dynamic graph. One can easily set an alarm to go off, in case, if there is any excessive movement. However, Seismometers are widely used to measure the earthquakes. This app will work at its best especially when you are in a MOTEL overnight on a fault line. Additionally, this app can be used as an intruder alarm.


This app is a complete gift of iPhone Mobile Application Development services and can be named as interactive particle system, UON and SandScapes. UON is nothing but a graphic based, tilt and touch based visualize that is highly inspired by ‘rave lights’. It is used mostly by a screensaver that uses accelerometer in order to alter the ever evolving image. It is noteworthy that Pulsar as well as Sandcsapes; both are highly engaging particle generators that usually react to iPhone’s orientation.

Snail Mail:

The winner app of IGN’s and was awarded as well. Snail Mail is an iPhone game that bestows iPhone’s tilt controls in order to put the user right at the center of all the sliding actions. Akin to the very popular game; Need for Speed, a snail mailman can be directly controlled using accelerometer movements, in contrast, there is a lot more to this game rather than simply staying on the track no matter whatever is the number of obstacles, weapon rings, enemies as well as power-ups awaiting for you revolving around every twist and turn and the game’s control will make it a guilty pleasure.


Next comes an app; Chopper Lite which is an absolutely free helicopter game in which the devices can be tilted either up or down in order to avail the chopper in mid of air. Move left or right to forward and backward. There are various missions to be completed such as humanitarian along with the shoot ups along with an enemy armed along with ground to air the missiles. The user will definitely find this game a bit addictive and will reflect how amazingly accelerometer can enable an easy hand based gaming control. You can also take assistance of an iOS App Developer, if you facing any technical issues using these apps.


It has been already seen that there is a huge number of predominantly games that employs accelerometer capability of iPhone. It is also noteworthy that all the incorporate tilt controls aims at replacing the existing d-pad which is rarely successful. This is the reason because of which it is now available as an option instead of primary controls. There is one more issue that calibration plays a very vital role in developing a good tilt based game but most of the developers do not employs it. Rolando is also one of the games that bequeaths tilt controls the way beyond gimmikick instead it serves an amazing balanced multitouch.

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