If you are brand new to Facebook you will need to create an account. There are two different types of accounts - a Personal and Business Account. The biggest difference between the two is with a business account you cannot view other member’s profiles, unless they left a comment or interacted on your business page, or be able to send and receive friend requests.
Now if you already have your own personal Facebook account then you can start creating your Facebook business page right away. Otherwise you will have to create your page first, and once complete, before it goes live, you will need to sign up as a business account.
Let’s assume that you already have a personal account. Begin by logging in. Once in scroll down to the very bottom of the homepage, past all the Newfeed items, and then you should see a “Create A Page” link along with a few other links on either side. Click the link.
After you have clicked over you will be given options as to what type of page you want to create. You can create other pages besides a business page such as an artist/band page, product pages or a page devoted to a humanitarian cause or charity. All good stuff, however that’s not what we are looking for. You will want to choose either between a Local Business/Place or a large Company, Organization or Institution.
For a local business the first step is selecting the appropriate category that your business fits. Then you fill in your address. For corporations, organizations or institutions you do the same, except you don’t have to worry about an address.
Once that is completed you have the option, which is recommended, of completing 3 quick steps that will help build the foundation of your page. You can add a picture to your page, invite friends and add some basic information like your website address and a brief excerpt of what the business is about. You can skip these and complete them later if you choose.
Once those are complete you will have arrived at YOUR Facebook business page! You will now be able to fully customize the page with data and information as you see fit. You can invite friends to join the page, if you did not do so earlier, as well as send out announcements to all of the people who have joined the page.
Finally, once you have your business page set up, you can easily enhance it with a variety of Facebook marketing apps.
Congratulations! You have now just gotten done creating a Facebook business page. If you keep active on your new page and continue to do Facebook marketing your business should grow and prosper.