Can Your Waterproof Rain Jacket Prevent Hypothermia?

Yes, a waterproof breathable rain jacket not only keeps you dry but it will also double as a wind breaker. Cold wind and rain can be the biggest factors that can cause hypothermia. A waterproof breathable rain jacket over one or more insulating layers can prevent hypothermia in cold wet weather.

What is hypothermia? Hypothermia happens when your body begins to get cold and loses heat faster than it can make it. It can happen to anyone that is not prepared for the cold, wind, rain etc. especially in wet windy weather.

How do you know that you or someone you are with is developing hypothermia? Signs include shivering, cold pale skin, becoming apathetic or making uncustomary mistakes, balance issues, slurred speech and numb hands and fingers. Untreated hypothermia can lead to stiff muscles, shallow breathing, slow pulse, confusion, weakness and loss of consciousness. Often when hypothermia begins when you are hiking, others don’t immediately realize that it is happening. If you notice your hiking partner begin to shiver, stumble or begin getting confused he or she may be developing hypothermia and you need to warm them quickly.

Hypothermia is a very serious condition that if left untreated will quickly lead to unconsciousness and death. It can happen to anyone hiking in the wilderness that is not prepared. I just saw on the news today of a hunter who went out fully prepared with survival gear in his truck. Unfortunately, when venturing out, he thought he would just go a short distance from his truck. He ended up getting lost and could not find his way back to his truck. Disoriented and frustrated, darkness came and he ended up spending two nights in the wilderness with temperatures dipping to -10 degrees. This man was very fortunate to be rescued still alive.

How do you treat hypothermia when it happens? The only way to treat it is to remove the person as much as possible from the cold and wet situation and bring the body heat back up as quickly as possible. Use blankets, hot liquids, body heat and extra clothing. If you have a sleeping bag, get into it with them and use your body heat to warm them. If treated quickly most people will fully recover without any permanent adverse effects to their health.

So remember, the next time you go out hiking in cold wet weather make sure you take lots of warm clothing with you and your waterproof breathable rain jacket.