The Boutique Showcase #29: The Linky Party Featuring Your Online Shop

Summer is just around the corner!  I don't know about you, but summer is one of my favorite seasons.  What's not to love when you can go barefoot, skip wearing a coat, and just bask in the sunshine?!  (not to mention a certain blogger is celebrating her birthday tomorrow - sigh)

In case you missed it last week, I had the wonderful opportunity to guest post at Knick of Time.  Stop by to check out my tutorial!
DIY Repurposed & Painted Sign Tutorial Guest Post at Knick of Time by
I also shared with you how to make these easy peasy cloth diaper wipes - good for those who use cloth diapers exclusively or go the disposable route.  We all like a soft wipe!
Easy Peasy Cloth Diaper Wipe Tutorial by
We had some absolutely lovely link ups last week, and am awed by the creativity you show.  

Here are this week's features...
by Cottage Rose Graphics
Large Digital Download - English Cottage by Cottage Rose Graphics via
by Anderson & Grant
Metal Lantern by Anderson & Grant via
#1 most viewed shop's item...
by Cottage Vintage Shabby
Custom Paper Flower Wedding Bouquet by Cottage Vintage Shabby via
Let's see what's new in your shop and get this week's party started!!

*Just a reminder that this linky is for online shops or boutiques and not to showcase your blog posts.  All link-ups should have a permalink to your item that is FOR SALE.
The linky party that is open to anyone with an Etsy Shop, Online Shop or Boutique. No worries, you don't have to have a blog to join in, but if you do it would be fantastic if you would grab the marketplace image below and place it somewhere on your blog, just to let your readers know about this wonderful shopping experience.
Link party button for Prodigal Pieces
<div class="Prodigal Pieces-button" style="width: 350px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"> <img src="" alt="Prodigal Pieces" width="350" height="216" /> </a> </div>

The best part...You can link up to three of your individual shop items or shop blog posts. Just make sure these items you are linking are actually available FOR SALE, and link up using the permalink directly to the item or post to make it easy to find. 

A new party begins each week at 8 AM (EST) Tuesdays, so mark your calendar!

Are you here to shop?  Be sure to check back throughout the week because new items are always being added. 

Let's party!